Thursday, May 3, 2012


 I keep an old Ball jar of my grandmother's buttons that I received after she passed away on the windowsill in our living room.  I use them for crafts and activities Tootsie is working on but I really like to just look through them from time to time.  Some are rather ugly like the brass looking nautical themed buttons.  Others are romantic and antique looking and you can definitely tell those from the 60's and 70's.  Of course there are your run of the mill extra buttons and a ton of small white ones littering the bottom of the jar.  I've looked at them so many times I know them by heart and it makes me happy to see one on a project that I have given to Tootsie or one of my nieces or nephews.  I was secretly thrilled when Tootsie wanted to dump them out one day and explore.  We got a tray, dumped and I let her take the lead.

After sifting through them for awhile, she started picking out those that match. 

 By the time we were done an hour later my Tupperware cupboard had been raided and lots of sorting had been accomplished!


We did this activity a few more times over the next couple of days.  It was a good lesson in sorting, counting and comparing and contrasting but mostly, I loved sharing my grandmother's buttons with my daughter!

Linking to:

Tot School

Easter Fun!

Yes, I realize that Easter was like a month ago but we did some fun activities and I had some photos I wanted to share!

One of Tootsie's favorite things we did was painting bubble wrap and making a print on an egg shape.

They really turned out pretty!

When we finished painting, Tootsie wanted to use some Easter Eggs that were on the table to cover all the bubbles.

She got a little upset when she realized that there weren't enough eggs to cover all the bubbles!

We spent Easter at my parents house where Tootsie was able to play with her cousins.  We tried to spend as much time outside as possible and even took the painting outside!

I think Aunt Lindsey and I liked the painting as much as the kids!

Our way cool finished product using cars, beads, sponges, little people and sand toys.

Tootsie and Big S had a snack picnic and a rest outside in the yard.  Unfortunately, Big S wasn't feeling all that great for most of the weekend.

Tootsie and Little S brought the water play outside too!  

The kids made Easter Bunny headbands using stickers, construction paper and pipe cleaners

Big S modeling his headband!

Thanks Big and Little S for a fun Easter weekend!